Artist: Oasis
Song: Little by Little
Album: Heathen Chemistry
Model: Layla-Leigh
Location: Bristol UK

Another offering by Oasis. I loved their proper guitar music and Noel Gallagher’s lyrics are always a bit hit or miss. They either have profound, deep meaning or are all over the place. Little by Little is a wonderfully written masterpiece. The song was released in 2002 and at the time I was singing and performing local gigs in a covers band. As soon as I heard it I knew we had to do it. We did and I loved it, I’m not sure the audience shared our enjoyment (although it is anthemic which meant lots of audience singing!) but I know our band did and hopefully that came across. It reminds me of the lost weekends we had gigging and then packing down before getting home somehow in the late hours of the next morning. We were happy, (often drunk), loved playing, learning tons about the industry and it was a truly fantastic period in my life.

The song itself steals the line from an old Buddhist saying and I think it’s a wonderfully brilliant one. “True perfection has to be imperfect” and it nearly always is if you look hard enough. It has many other meanings to me too. Photographically for years I got hung up with trying to take the ‘perfect’ photograph and I forgot about any image’s true worth; meaning. “Everyone is beautiful/perfect” to someone. My idea of perfection isn’t yours.

The image came together in my head and the result looks pretty much as I’d envisaged. I chose Layla because of her beautifully innocent looks. I always wanted the result to be viewed on an ‘A’ board so that each shot would be seen in isolation by the viewer.

Artist: Oasis
Song: Little by Little
Album: Heathen Chemistry
Model: Layla-Leigh
Location: Bristol UK

Another offering by Oasis. I loved their proper guitar music and Noel Gallagher’s lyrics are always a bit hit or miss. They either have profound, deep meaning or are all over the place. Little by Little is a wonderfully written masterpiece. The song was released in 2002 and at the time I was singing and performing local gigs in a covers band. As soon as I heard it I knew we had to do it. We did and I loved it, I’m not sure the audience shared our enjoyment (although it is anthemic which meant lots of audience singing!) but I know our band did and hopefully that came across. It reminds me of the lost weekends we had gigging and then packing down before getting home somehow in the late hours of the next morning. We were happy, (often drunk), loved playing, learning tons about the industry and it was a truly fantastic period in my life.

The song itself steals the line from an old Buddhist saying and I think it’s a wonderfully brilliant one. “True perfection has to be imperfect” and it nearly always is if you look hard enough. It has many other meanings to me too. Photographically for years I got hung up with trying to take the ‘perfect’ photograph and I forgot about any image’s true worth; meaning. “Everyone is beautiful/perfect” to someone. My idea of perfection isn’t yours.

The image came together in my head and the result looks pretty much as I’d envisaged. I chose Layla because of her beautifully innocent looks. I always wanted the result to be viewed on an ‘A’ board so that each shot would be seen in isolation by the viewer.